Wednesday September 2nd
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Celebrate the launch of Dr. Hallie Beth Durchslag’s new book: The Collective Unconscious in the Age of Neuroscience: Severe Mental Illness and Jung in the 21st century. As former president and current honorary board member of Jung Cleveland, Hallie has been a part of our community for over a decade. Now, she shares an intimate look at the inspiration for her book, which uses narrative analysis to examine four autobiographical accounts of severe mental illness, including her own, to illuminate a physiological connection to Jung’s notion of a collective unconscious (or objective psyche). Her research is focused on highlighting gaps in depth psychological notions of etiology and treatment of severe mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. This will be a unique and personal perspective on Hallie’s own journey, one that both challenged and deepened her commitment to a Jungian model of understanding psychological experiences.
You can find the book now through Routledge Press (, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and as an e-book.